I am Erin, Welcome to Vintage Moons

Erin’s courses are insanely beneficial!!!! She goes above and beyond. Legit no price tag 🏷️ can be put on the growth you're going to get out of doing the DNA Activations and the Akashic records!!! She helps you to connect the dots to your own soul's history! ~ Kim ~ Accelerated Intuitive

Spiritual Entrepreneurs How Would it Feel to:

Ask Spirit, the answer is immediate, and you trust it?

Be so open to who and what you and your clients need that guides, loved ones, Angels, spirits, beings, elementals, and.... show up instantly without a 10-step process.

Have an instant past life glimpse, and know if you need to clear, gain clarity, and or re-activate abilities through the Akashic Records.



Book your free discovery call today!

I’ve been working on my gifts for years and I can’t believe how much progress I’ve made in such a short amount of time. My Reiki and Intuitive gifts are just exploding. I’m excited to move on to the next phase and help people heal in deeper ways than I could before. - Emily

Over 12 weeks through Accelerated Intuitive, you can create an unfuckwithable, fast, and easy connection to spirit and your intuitive abilities.

  • You will shake up shit hidden in your DNA, process, and release and clear the hidden shit stalling your life, blocking your connection to your intuitive channeling and healing abilities. 

  • Your spirit team is solid, and you trust 100% has your back and your team has expanded to who and what you need with ease

  • You will have a stronger, faster, and easier connection to your intuitive, channeling, and healing abilities

  • You will connect to and operate from your personal intuitive, internal power and worth from your place of Purpose

You’re the first person to help me believe in myself and my gifts. Unlike other people and experiences I invested in, that didn't help as you do. ~ Danielle Accelerated Intuitive Student

I am Erin, I guide Lightworkers to easily up-level their intuitive channeling + gifts + realms for a massive life + biz upgrade! ​We all have our shit, our past, our traumas, and our reasons why things are hard to deal with or move past. Finding the traumas, triggers, and cords and removing energetic blocks is essential in building your clairs and shedding your heavy past. Recognition and working through them is not easy but being free from them is incredible. We don’t really know how much it burdens our souls until we lessen their hold. ​Healing is a process, a lifelong investment in ourselves.

There is no cure-all for what you struggle with. Finding the right counselor, coach, group, medication, whatever it is that allows you to truly start your healing process. I didn’t think I would ever be able to have feelings and not be just a human-robot, but the more I work through what comes up, the freer I am and it’s truly incredible. ​The fantastic thing about spiritual work is that we can use a combination of spiritual tools to customize what YOU need in your process, to maximize healing and soul realignment.​Helping people to navigate life and the spiritual path is my mission.

If you are trying to understand your spiritual awakening, developing and being an intuitive lightworker, healer, energetic work, being an empath, healing and transforming your mindset allows your spiritual and intuitive ascension to expand in unique ways. I love supporting others on their journey, whether it is me holding space or helping to guide you. If you are ready for a shift, not sure what you need but feel called to ask questions, please reach out. ​

Various other sessions and programs offered include Fearless Spiritualist Masterclass, Accelerated Intuitive 1:1 & Program (Includes DNA Activations & Past Life Training), 1:1 Ascension Intuitive Mentoring (Book a Free Call), Akashic & Past Life Clearing, Clarity, Session, Intuitive Clarity & Development Sessions, Reiki + Intuitive Activations.

ASCENSION 1:1 Intuitive Development Mentoring

Book your free discovery call today!

Are you ready to quantum shift your intuitive abilities and become and unfuckwithable Lightworker while transforming your business?

  • Eliminate the control that is holding back your intuitive and healing gifts.

  • Remove the fear that protects you and fucks with your gifts.

  • Eliminate mindfuckery so you don't question or doubt your insights and guidance.

Schedule below!

Schedule a Call Here!

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Tue, Oct 22, 2024

When the Meat Suit and the Soul come Back Together After a Dark Night of the Soul Integration

When the Meat Suit and the Soul come Back Together After a Dark Night of the Soul Integration

March 06, 20233 min read

Your soul is this powerful piece of you. It holds who you are, and your spiritual gifts, it even holds on to the harder things in your past lives and yes it can resurface today.

If you feel this weird knowing in your soul that you can’t shake it’s most likely something in your past lives.

Every spiritual being through your awakening and after has Dark Knight of the Soul times. Times of immense healing on the human side, your triggers, traumas, and pain all come fleeting forward in an overwhelming way.

 It’s like a kick to the face!

 ☪️  WTF do I do with this?

 ☪️   How do I come out of it?

 ☪️  Do I clear it?

 ☪️  I can’t take it anymore.

 ☪️  So many things hit you hard and fast during the DKOTS!

Sit with it, ask spirit for help, ask spirit what to do.

It’s up to you to do the healing, the processing, the integration. You have to find who and what methods work for you and you CAN’T give up on yourself.

 Just sit with it even for the day, ok this sucks ass I am going to have a day and then tomorrow I will be able to find some clarity on this time.

During this intense integration, your Soul is healing. Spirit helps your soul during the Dark Knight of the Soul, it takes your soul and allows for healing, growth, connection, and clarity. 

Once this period subsides your soul and human self come back together. If you have done your work and your spirit has done theirs you will notice this major shift in your gifts, in your soul, in your healing journey.

 Whether this is the first time you’ve heard Dark Knight of the Soul, You’ve been through so many you can’t even count them or this makes sense as to what you’ve been experiencing just know it has a purpose. 

Digging into your soul, its history, your purpose in this life and previous lives, understanding your Starseed origins your Akashic Records holds all of your soul’s incredible history.

 If you are ready to work with your soul, and its history, connect to who you are and your life’s purpose the Akashic Records Connect to You Immersive Program.!

During the 6 weeks:

 ☪️   You will connect to your soul’s past lives

 ☪️   Begin Connecting to your purpose

 ☪️   Uncover and gain clarity on your spiritual gifts

 ☪️  Be able to begin to help your clients on their soul journey

Akashic Records Program Starting Soon

What's Happening at Vintage Moons:


Thank you for being part of Vintage Moons. Thank you for growing with me, learning with me, and bringing your incredible energy.

Make sure to join me on IG @erinvintagemoons  and my private Facebook Group for daily Spirit Chats! 

I'd love to hear a Dark Knight of the Soul lesson you have had, tag me in your IG story!

Have an amazing week!


Available Sessions Here 


Intuitive Alchemist, Akashic & Past Life Guide, 

spiritual awakeningintuitive developmentdark knight of the souldintuitive mediumintuitive mediumship
I am Erin, an Intuitive Medium, Spiritual Mentor, and Akashic Records Alchemist. I help lightworkers, starseeds, intuitives, and healers develop an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their healing gifts, and up-leveling their spiritual biz.

Erin Stabile

I am Erin, an Intuitive Medium, Spiritual Mentor, and Akashic Records Alchemist. I help lightworkers, starseeds, intuitives, and healers develop an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their healing gifts, and up-leveling their spiritual biz.

Back to Blog

Erin Stabile

Intuitive Medium, Akashic & Spiritual Mentor
Realm Connector,

Reiki Master Teacher, Starseed Guide, Shamanic Practitioner


In coaching, sessions, and programs, I provide intuitive guidance and intuitive mentoring to support those on their spiritual journey who struggle to heal, embrace and uncover their soul’s abilities, and break out of the mindfuckery to hit that ascension level of the intuitive you want to be. At the soul level, you were born to be. Are you stuck in your awakening and embracing your intuitive abilities?

Wishing you could figure out why you struggle with connection to spirit and your gifts but also know this is the path you need to be on. I help you break out of the patterns and cords that keep you in limbo, guiding you through clearing, clarity, and a custom to your intuitive development and healing plan (this includes mindset, past lives, and soul-level connection to bring out who your soul desires to be outside of your human limitations and pain).

Using my unique intuitive gifts in coaching, sessions, and programs. I connect to your soul, to whom you are, to what’s holding you back, and down to your core, I see who you are, what you have to offer the world, and what we can do to bring that into your core beliefs so you can embrace whom you are meant to be and wishing you were.

The approach to your development is custom to you and your needs. I always provide easy, manageable steps to move forward on your path in an empowered and powerful way. I am your partner on your path, I am not light and fluffy, but I am fully invested in your development and growth if you are ready to shed the past and take action.

The banishing worked it sounds like backdrop noise of people talking but can not make out the words usually I ask for Marrow and my blue guy and I had his name in my head it starts with a T to be with me for the next couple of days I also have put out the intention that I do not want to hear their assholes on the astral voices anymore and that evil needs to stay in the box and be healed. And only one guide I did hear external voices last night but they were ghost and I ignored them to put out the intention that | only wanted to hear my main guide and that was it

It has been 3 years of assholes on the astral you are the only one that has taken care of business Thank your bouncer and your angels and goddess for their help.


I'm so grateful for you, Erin, and for coming into my life as a spiritual mentor!!!. You have to connect to Erin people because she will help you feel like a badass and help you succeed and grow!!! She is a blessing to us all!!! Danielle

Holy shit, You were 100% correct! Your clearings are soooo powerful! I nearly zonked out but was able to stay in the game!! Such a beautiful clearing!! Woke up wanting to burn some shit down after a crazy dream last night but instead just washed it away in the ocean with some beautiful mermaids, dolphins & AA’s. Thank you Erin for such a great FREEBIE!!


There are few Lightworkers I trust as much as Erin. She is a powerhouse of the Light. She is a warrior of the light in the highest degree. A powerful medium and healer who I turn to whenever I need a hand. She is also one of the kindest and smartest people I know! ♥️ you Erin!!


Spiritual Entrepreneurs How Would it Feel to:

  • Ask Spirit, and the answer is immediate, and you trust it?

  • Be so open to who and what you and your clients

    need that guides, loved ones, Angels, spirits, beings, elementals, and.... show up instantly without a 10-step process.

  • Have an instant past life glimpse, and know if you need to clear, gain clarity, and/or re-activate abilities through the Akashic Records.

Over 12 weeks through Accelerated Intuitive, you can create an unfuckwithable, fast, and easy connection to spirit and your intuitive abilities.

  • You will shake up shit hidden in your DNA, process, and release and clear the hidden shit stalling your life, blocking your connection to your intuitive channeling and healing abilities. 

  • Your spirit team is solid and you trust 100% has your back, and your team has expanded to who and what you need with ease

  • You will have a stronger, faster, and easier connection to your intuitive, channeling, and healing abilities

  • You will connect to and operate from your personal intuitive, internal power and worth from your place of Purpose

Erin’s courses are insanely beneficial!!!! She goes above and beyond. Legit no price tag 🏷️ can be put on the growth you're going to get out of doing the DNA Activations and the Akashic records!!! She helps you to connect the dots to your own soul's history! ~ Kim ~ Accelerated Intuitive

Accelerated Intuitive is extremely beneficial to bettering my current self in all aspects (mind, body, soul etc) and apart from being interesting, it's a profound way to approach healing and self-reflection. At the minimum, it's neat to look back at yourself and what your history is - on the other end of the spectrum, it's a life-changing program that can really help bring forward and heal your authentic self on an intense and karmic level, and it's really all about what work you are willing to put in that determines your results. ~ Emily

Spiritual Merch!

ASCENSION 1:1 Intuitive Development Mentoring Book your discovery call today!

Are you ready to quantum shift your intuitive abilities and become an unfuckwithable Lightworker while transforming your business?

  • Eliminate the control that is holding back your intuitive and healing gifts.

  • Remove the fear that protects you and fucks with your gifts.

  • Eliminate mindfuckery so you don't question or doubt your insights and guidance.

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Tue, Oct 22, 2024

When the Meat Suit and the Soul come Back Together After a Dark Night of the Soul Integration

When the Meat Suit and the Soul come Back Together After a Dark Night of the Soul Integration

March 06, 20233 min read

Your soul is this powerful piece of you. It holds who you are, and your spiritual gifts, it even holds on to the harder things in your past lives and yes it can resurface today.

If you feel this weird knowing in your soul that you can’t shake it’s most likely something in your past lives.

Every spiritual being through your awakening and after has Dark Knight of the Soul times. Times of immense healing on the human side, your triggers, traumas, and pain all come fleeting forward in an overwhelming way.

 It’s like a kick to the face!

 ☪️  WTF do I do with this?

 ☪️   How do I come out of it?

 ☪️  Do I clear it?

 ☪️  I can’t take it anymore.

 ☪️  So many things hit you hard and fast during the DKOTS!

Sit with it, ask spirit for help, ask spirit what to do.

It’s up to you to do the healing, the processing, the integration. You have to find who and what methods work for you and you CAN’T give up on yourself.

 Just sit with it even for the day, ok this sucks ass I am going to have a day and then tomorrow I will be able to find some clarity on this time.

During this intense integration, your Soul is healing. Spirit helps your soul during the Dark Knight of the Soul, it takes your soul and allows for healing, growth, connection, and clarity. 

Once this period subsides your soul and human self come back together. If you have done your work and your spirit has done theirs you will notice this major shift in your gifts, in your soul, in your healing journey.

 Whether this is the first time you’ve heard Dark Knight of the Soul, You’ve been through so many you can’t even count them or this makes sense as to what you’ve been experiencing just know it has a purpose. 

Digging into your soul, its history, your purpose in this life and previous lives, understanding your Starseed origins your Akashic Records holds all of your soul’s incredible history.

 If you are ready to work with your soul, and its history, connect to who you are and your life’s purpose the Akashic Records Connect to You Immersive Program.!

During the 6 weeks:

 ☪️   You will connect to your soul’s past lives

 ☪️   Begin Connecting to your purpose

 ☪️   Uncover and gain clarity on your spiritual gifts

 ☪️  Be able to begin to help your clients on their soul journey

Akashic Records Program Starting Soon

What's Happening at Vintage Moons:


Thank you for being part of Vintage Moons. Thank you for growing with me, learning with me, and bringing your incredible energy.

Make sure to join me on IG @erinvintagemoons  and my private Facebook Group for daily Spirit Chats! 

I'd love to hear a Dark Knight of the Soul lesson you have had, tag me in your IG story!

Have an amazing week!


Available Sessions Here 


Intuitive Alchemist, Akashic & Past Life Guide, 

spiritual awakeningintuitive developmentdark knight of the souldintuitive mediumintuitive mediumship
I am Erin, an Intuitive Medium, Spiritual Mentor, and Akashic Records Alchemist. I help lightworkers, starseeds, intuitives, and healers develop an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their healing gifts, and up-leveling their spiritual biz.

Erin Stabile

I am Erin, an Intuitive Medium, Spiritual Mentor, and Akashic Records Alchemist. I help lightworkers, starseeds, intuitives, and healers develop an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their healing gifts, and up-leveling their spiritual biz.

Back to Blog

Erin Stabile

Intuitive Medium Akashic & Spiritual Mentor

Reiki Master Teacher, Starseed Guide

I am Erin, I guide Lightworkers to up-level their intuitive channeling + gifts + realms for a massive life + biz upgrade! ​We all have our shit, our past, our traumas, our reasons why things are hard to deal with or move past. Finding the traumas, triggers, and cords and removing energetic blocks is essential in building your clairs and shedding your heavy past. Recognition and working through them is not easy but being free from them is incredible. We don’t really know how much it burdens our souls until we lessen their hold. ​Healing is a process, a lifelong investment in ourselves.

There is no cure-all for what you struggle with. Finding the right counselor, coach, group, medication, whatever it is that allows you to truly start your healing process. I didn’t think I would ever be able to have feelings and not be just a human-robot, but the more I work through what comes up, the freer I am and it’s truly incredible. ​The fantastic thing about spiritual work is that we can use a combination of spiritual tools to customize what YOU need in your process, to maximize healing and soul realignment.​

Helping people to navigate life and the spiritual path is my mission. If you are trying to understand your spiritual awakening, developing and being an intuitive lightworker, healer, energetic work, being an empath, healing and transforming your mindset allows your spiritual and intuitive ascension to expand in unique ways. I love supporting others on their journey, whether it is me holding space or helping to guide you. If you are ready for a shift, not sure what you need but feel called to ask questions, please reach out. ​

Various other sessions and programs offered include Fearless Spiritualist Masterclass, Accelerated Intuitive 1:1 or Program (Dna Activations and Accessing Past Lives), Ascension Intuitive Mentoring, Akashic Records & Past Life Healing, Clearing, Clarity and Guidance, Intuitive Sessions.


In coaching, sessions, and programs, I provide intuitive guidance and intuitive mentoring to support those on their spiritual journey who struggle to heal, embrace and uncover their soul’s abilities, and break out of the mindfuckery to hit that ascension level of the intuitive you want to be. At the soul level you were born to be. Are you stuck in your awakening and embracing your intuitive abilities? Wishing you could figure out why you struggle with connection to spirit and your gifts but also know this is the path you need to be on. I help you break out of the patterns and cords that keep you in limbo, guiding you through clearing, clarity, and a custom to your intuitive development and healing plan (this includes mindset, past lives, and soul-level connection to bring out who your soul desires to be outside of your human limitations and pain).

Using my unique intuitive gifts in coaching, sessions, and programs. I connect to your soul, to whom you are, to what’s holding you back, and down to your core, I see who you are, what you have to offer the world, and what we can do to bring that into your core beliefs so you can embrace whom you are meant to be and wishing you were. The approach to your development is custom to you and your needs. I always provide easy, manageable steps to move forward on your path in an empowered and powerful way. I am your partner on your path, I am not light and fluffy, but I am fully invested in your development and growth if you are ready to shed the past and take action.

I'm so grateful for you, Erin, and for coming into my life as a spiritual mentor!!!. You have to connect to Erin people because she will help you feel like a badass and help you succeed and grow!!! She is a blessing to us all!!! Danielle

You’re the first person to help me believe in myself and my gifts. Unlike other people and experiences, I invested in, that didn't help as you do. ~ Current Accelerated Intuitive Student

Holy shit, You were 100% correct! Your clearings are soooo powerful! I nearly zonked out but was able to stay in the game!! Such a beautiful clearing!! Woke up wanting to burn some shit down after a crazy dream last night but instead just washed it away in the ocean with some beautiful mermaids, dolphins & AA’s. Thank you Erin for such a great FREEBIE!!


There are few Lightworkers I trust as much as Erin. She is a powerhouse of the Light. She is a warrior of the light in the highest degree. A powerful medium and healer who I turn to whenever I need a hand. She is also one of the kindest and smartest people I know! ♥️ you Erin!!


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