Erin Stabile

Intuitive Channel & Spiritual Mentor,
Realm Connector,
Akashic and Past Life Mentor

Reiki Master Teacher, Starseed Guide, Shaman

Make '23 Your Bitch!

🦹‍♀️ Make '23 Your Bitch!

March 06, 20233 min read

Resolutions are your yearly reminders of failing.

2022 has been up and down, as is life. If it has been more down than it has been up, remember to keep fighting and showing up. 

Stop making resolutions & setting yourself up for failure.

If you want to make massive changes in your intuitive and healing development, spiritual business, your health, and well-being then it’s time to have an intention that is backed with an actual plan and measure able ways to evaluate and track success.

2022 has been up and down, as is life. If it has been more down than it has been up, remember to keep fighting and showing up. 

Stop making resolutions & setting yourself up for failure.

If you want to make massive changes in your intuitive and healing development, spiritual business, your health, and well-being then it’s time to have an intention that is backed with an actual plan and measure able ways to evaluate and track success.


CLICK HERE FOR: SOUL CLEARING & ACTIVATION  Releasing the Past & Activating for the Future Meditation

Sit down, center yourself, meditate, clear energetic cords, and truly connect with your soul.

⭐️ You are meant to be a boss bitch at WHATEVER it is that you love and want to do. What will it take to get you to believe and embody this: 

⭐️ What do you want to accomplish in your intuitive, spiritual, and healing work?

⭐️ What do you want to add, shift or change in your spiritual business?

⭐️ What do you want to experience this coming year?

⭐️ What are you going to do to act upon these intentions?

⭐️ Who are you going to work with to help guide you and keep you accountable?

⭐️ What excuses are you going to address, clear, and finally stop allowing you to quit?

⭐️ What are you going to sacrifice to make new routines and habits? 

⭐️ What boundaries in life and biz are you going to create and enforce to bring you a more energetic balance? 

⭐️ Do your intentions make you uncomfortable? If they don't set the bar higher!

⭐️ What power moves do you need to make, and what's stopping you from doing it? 

Look at '23 like it's summer vacation and the final bell just rang.  

 Throat punch the shit out of life, and your intentions, ask spirit for help, heal your shit, and have so much fucking faith in yourself and your abilities that people wonder if you've lost your shit. 

I want to thank you for following me, supporting me, and working with me, and please know down to my soul that I genuinely value and appreciate you! I can’t wait to see what the year brings for you.


What's Happening:

1:1 Mastering Your Spiritual Badassery - 3 Open Spots

Akashic Records Connect to You Immersive Program - January 26th (6 wks)

Fearless Spiritualist Masterclass If you're developing and using your intuitive and healing gifts and FEAR is holding you back, then this class will shift fear's hold on your abilities (and life). Check out the video and see how much the FEAR is holding you back!

Akashic Records and Intuitive Sessions

Thank you for being part of Vintage Moons. Thank you for growing with me, learning with me, and bringing your incredible energy.

Make sure to join me on IG @erinvintagemoons  and my private Facebook Group for daily Spirit Chats! 

intentionsnew years resolutionsintuitive mentorintuitive developmentreiki energy healing
I am Erin, an Intuitive Medium, Spiritual Mentor, and Akashic Records Alchemist. I help lightworkers, starseeds, intuitives, and healers develop an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their healing gifts, and up-leveling their spiritual biz.

Erin Stabile

I am Erin, an Intuitive Medium, Spiritual Mentor, and Akashic Records Alchemist. I help lightworkers, starseeds, intuitives, and healers develop an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their healing gifts, and up-leveling their spiritual biz.

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In coaching, sessions, and programs, I provide intuitive guidance and intuitive mentoring to support those on their spiritual journey who struggle to heal, embrace and uncover their soul’s abilities, and break out of the mindfuckery to hit that ascension level of the intuitive you want to be. At the soul level you were born to be. Are you stuck in your awakening and embracing your intuitive abilities? Wishing you could figure out why you struggle with connection to spirit and your gifts but also know this is the path you need to be on. I help you break out of the patterns and cords that keep you in limbo, guiding you through clearing, clarity, and a custom to your intuitive development and healing plan (this includes mindset, past lives, and soul-level connection to bring out who your soul desires to be outside of your human limitations and pain).

Using my unique intuitive gifts in coaching, sessions, and programs. I connect to your soul, to whom you are, to what’s holding you back, and down to your core, I see who you are, what you have to offer the world, and what we can do to bring that into your core beliefs so you can embrace whom you are meant to be and wishing you were. The approach to your development is custom to you and your needs. I always provide easy, manageable steps to move forward on your path in an empowered and powerful way. I am your partner on your path, I am not light and fluffy, but I am fully invested in your development and growth if you are ready to shed the past and take action.

Erin Stabile Intuitive Medium and Spiritual Mentor

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