Your free guided meditation to access your Akashic Records will be in your inbox shortly, as a kickass lightworker, I’d like to do something special for you, so today ONLY I want to give you this special offer at over 50% OFF.

Introducing the Holy Fuck What Was That - 7 Steps to Understanding The Soul Shifts From Accessing Your Akashic Records guide to help you process and make sense of your experience in the Guided Meditation to access your soul's Akashic Records.

Holy Fuck What Was That - 7 Steps to Understanding The Soul Shifts From Accessing Your Akashic Records

This guide will give you 7 steps to understand what came forth in your Guided Meditation, with a 7 day journal to witness to growth.

Offer $44


Understanding The Soul Shifts From Accessing Your Akashic Records

If you want to access your soul's personal history book (Akashic Records) with intention, uncover and bring forth your healing and intuitive gifts from the past, and even clear and remove old cords and patterns that hold you back in your human experience today... then this is the most important program you'll read about all year!

Holy Fuck What Was That is an amazing new guidebook and journal that helps every Intuitive, Lightworker, Healer, and Starseed with how to understand what came forth in their Akashic Session.

And, as a special bonus through the journal exercises, you'll also discover and create a connection to your soul's history! 

Holy Fuck What Was that

* What every Intuitive, Lightworker, Healer, and Starseed needs to know about understanding your Akashic session.

* See how you can easily begin to gain clarity on their experience.

* How every Intuitive, Lightworker, Healer, and Starseed can quickly journal their experience... so you can completely avoid the confusion of the session.

* These help you start to understand and feel the impact of your soul's history.

* Rapidly create the connection in your Records so you can make confusion and frustration a thing of the past.

Now that's a tall promise and at this point, you may be wondering...

Who Is Erin Stabile and Why Should I Listen Her?

She guide's Intuitives, Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Healers to create an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their spirit team, and guiding them to enhance their gifts to match their souls potential, and break the patterns and cords that hold them back in their intuitive journey and life!

Erin whose accomplishments include:


Intuitive Medium

Intuitive Development Mentor

Akashic & Past Life Guide

Reiki Master Teacher


Light Language

Angelic Healer


Creator of the Soul Ascension Plan

B.S. Marketing Management

A.A.S Graphic Design

So as you can see, Erin is uniquely qualified to help guide you through everything you need to know about working in your Akashic Records!

But Don't Just Take My Word For It, Take a Look At This...

So Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With Connect to You

This Amazing Guided Video and Guidebook Includes:

• Guided journal to record your experiences

7 days of Guided Prompts to help you connect to your Guided Meditation to Access Your Akashic Records

See you on the inside,

Erin Stabile

P.S. Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have a live immersive experience and expert take you by the hand and help you not only with accessing your Akashic Records but also with how to use your Akashic Records for your highest and best good - get in on this program now so you can up-level your intuitive gifts, healing journey and eventually your spiritual biz!

Copyright 2023 Erin Stabile Vintage Moons, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

Sioux City, Iowa

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