Your free channeled soul and energy-clearing meditations will be in your inbox shortly!

As a Lightworker, Healer, Intuitive, or Starseed clearing and protecting your energy is vital to your overall mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being!

If your energy has been low, including anxiety, moods in the home, children, teenagers, partners, etc. a soul and home clearing can transform your personal mindset, energy, and the energy of your home/space as well as increase your ability to connect with spirit.

Even Intuitives, Healers, Lightworkers Need Deep Soul and Energetic Space Energy Clearing Sessions

This session will reset the energy in your mind, body, soul and home, and space, which can include clearing the energy of others in space as well (indicate when booking).

Offer $233

NOW ONLY $199.99

"Holy shit 🤯 You were 100% correct! Your clearings are soooo powerful! I nearly zonked out but was able to stay in the game!! Such a beautiful clearing!! Woke up wanting to burn some shit down after a crazy dream last night but instead just washed it away in the ocean with some beautiful mermaids, dolphins & AA’s. Thank you Erin for such a great FREEBIE!!"


Removing the heavy blanket of energy in mind, body, soul, and space can change your life!

If you want to clear the energy that is like a weighted blanket, gain clarity on what to do when your energy is balanced, and even have a plan moving forward to maintain the energy of your mind, body, soul and space... then this is the session that will shift you in profound ways!


What every Intuitive Medium, Lightworker, Healer, or Starseed needs to know about soul and home clearings!

* They reset your mind, body, soul and energetic space, so you gain immense relief and clarity.

* They bring to light area you can continue your healing journey

* How every Intuitive Medium, Lightworker, Healer, or Starseed can quickly gain insight and act upon the new information that comes from the session and that is person for them and their intuitive and healing journey.

* Effortlessly feel free from the heavy energy that you didn't know was present, you didn't know was effecting you and changes the energetic blueprint.

* Rapidly feel the clearing and weighted energetic blanket lifted.

And, as a special bonus, you'll also gain a custom action plan to continue the clearing and healing that performed in the session!

... and much, MUCH More!

Now that's a tall promise and at this point, you may be wondering...

Who Is Erin Stabile and Why Should I Listen Her?

She guide's Intuitives, Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Healers to create an unfuckwithable connection to spirit, their spirit team, and guiding them to enhance their gifts to match their souls potential, and break the patterns and cords that hold them back in their intuitive journey and life!

Erin whose accomplishments include:


Intuitive Medium

Intuitive Development Mentor

Akashic & Past Life Guide

Reiki Master Teacher


Light Language

Angelic Healer


Creator of the Soul Ascension Plan

B.S. Marketing Management

A.A.S Graphic Design

So as you can see, Erin is uniquely qualified to help guide you clear your mind, body, soul and energetic space!

But Don't Just Take My Word For It, Take a Look At This...

It's the overarching purpose of this lifetime that is the connection piece for me that's my takeaway and that is the activation of gifts of powers.

And message that I received I believe as a result of your reading in the last couple days has been that the most important part of my healing journey has been having people in my life, friends specifically, who are capable of showing up in the ugly and dark and hard places with me and seeing them with me and holding space and still Loving me In spite of them and I think that is probably the most powerful healing tool we can have is having a safe space to see those places in ourselves and then be able to do something about them.

Update: I'm sleeping through the night without feeling like I'm being poked and prodded, I'm no longer seeing shadows or movement everywhere. The rooms don't "look" so dark at night anymore - I don't know if that makes sense but everything feels so much better!

I'd love to work with you more.

You mentioned writing visions down and I 100% having practicing Channing and practicing writing visions now that I get while channeling.


See you on the inside,

Erin Stabile

P.S. Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have a live immersive experience and expert take you by the hand and help you not only with clearing your mind, body, soul and energetic space - you get in on this session now so you can up-level your intuitive gifts, healing journey and eventually your spiritual biz!

Copyright 2023 Erin Stabile Vintage Moons, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

Sioux City, Iowa

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